Earth Revolves Around the Sun
Finding physical evidence that our planet revolves around the Sun took some clever thinking to prove that this heliocentric model. The diameter of the Milky Way is about 100000 light-years and the Sun is located about 28000 light-years from the Galactic Center. Image Result For How The Earth Rotates Around The Sun Escola In astronomy this is 1 AU or an astronomical unit. . Afraid of criticism some scholars think Copernicus was more concerned about scientific shortcomings of his theories than he was about the. Other scientists would respond to this hypothesis in the following way. This means that when the Earth is closer to the Sun which happens in early January about two weeks after the northern winter. We had no direct view of Earth until the dawn of the Space Age. The Earth revolves around the Sun once every 365 and quarter days one year The rotation of the Earth around the Sun causes the sequence of the four seasons the...